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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

In the last weaks 2019.The world was ready to welcome the year 2020 .Many local hospitals in Wuhan China report  report is an unusual number of cases .who had CV and Ammonia without clear cause and you not responding to any form of addressing back scene for medicine do not a seafood market in the region was linked to all these cases this was the wholesale ,seafood market. Which had about thousand Dollars selling fish ,chickens are snake Roberts and many other wild animals a very high demand human transmission rate. Which was further increase as a taste for breast and initial hypothesis was formulated. 
That this was a new type of coronavirus. That what are the animals being sold in the seafood market of result in a fear that it could be similar to the stars epidemic of 2002. Which infected 8000 and killed 774 for all wrong because this was going to be something much worse by early January 20 25 59 suspected cases for pickup from all local hospitals in Bihar and isolated in the Genie and cancer hospital of who have this 15988 cases 41 were confirmed with 2019 Noble coronavirus infection isolation was too late and before the isolated these cases had infected hundred .

the father that eventually infected thousands and the starting the 2019 Nobel coronavirus epidemic what's started as a localised epidemic in the central China Wiki spread to involve all other Chinese provinces in a manner of two weeks this bread was escalated by the Chinese new year and thousands of tourists out of the home .The situation became very tense went cases in other countries were also reported which were translated by International travelers cases reported from Vietnam and soon after several new cases reported from Germany ,Thailand, Japan, Australia ,United States ,Russia and others of new country is leading to global warming situation that on January 92028 just taken as of making this video and noble coronavirus epidemic has led to more than 95000 confirm cases of which 8000 are serious 965 country have been affected with major operates in Central China South Korea Italy and Iran 3300 people have type this epidemic can you imagine the gravity of the situation by looking at this path epidemic as a global emergency as on 30th January 2020 

That I Airlines United Airlines and American Airlines all have completely suspended reply to China by several other airline companies have seevali reduce the number of daily price US government has temporary Bandhan trying to United States by any foreign national tour travel to China in the past 14 days China has face tips new Mercedes in government lockdown that infect has won time millions of people Chinese stock market is constantly crashing and this has led to a global economic slowdown already see the word coronavirus is derived from the Latin word Corona meaning crown for hello which refers to the characteristic appearance of his virus virus consists of a code of genetic material surrounded with and all of proteins bikes kiss gives it an appearance of crown and Crown in Latin means Corolla engine name Corona virus that causes disease in mammals and birds these are viruses with the genome of 2632 new Corona virus has been detected every few years with the first ones been discovered in 1960 which cost mild respiratory infections in chickens then the number of different coronavirus have been discovered most important parts and other small warm blooded animals of Indian mutated in animals they circulate and you will close contact of humans with these animals please viruses can jump from the animal to human to start a new disease many coronavirus is have already infected humans during the stars coronavirus which led to the stars epidemic in 2003 the month Corona virus and human Corona virus and s63 the latest edition to 20 names in novel coronavirus in only known as the Wuhan Corona virus

Human coronavirus NH 63 latest edition to these names is a novel coronavirus in formerly known as the Corona virus new viruses are detected all the time is known that coronavirus species circulate in a variety of animals sometime this viruses can we get from animals to humans this is known as a spillover and can be due to a number of reasons that mutations in the virus Excel for increased close contact between humans and animals like we discussed for example words coronavirus is known to be transmitted from camels to humans and service Corona virus from civet cat animal reservoir of 2019 novel coronavirus not here yet menu the early coronavirus cases for linked to the south China sea food wholesale market in on the earliest documented case which has been trains part 2 1st December and no connection to the market surprising spreads from one person to another is not completely understood but we know that the most common pay

 It has been spreading through droplet infection it is when a person who is infected cough or sneezes and releases viral particles that remain suspended in the year and I picked up by another person it is also transmitted through things that are infected person has been closed in contact me like you used clothes switches he is and door handle those who are the highest risk are people who are enclosed contact with animals like animal market workers and told you are taking care of infected by family members doctors for nurses has coined the term 2019 Noble coronavirus acute respiratory disease to describe the disease caused by this virus indicating that most of the symptoms of the disease related to the respiratory system now from what we know is that the Caribbean number of symptoms ranging from mind to severe cases can present with fever cough shortness of breath and fever once can lead to pneumonia Kidney failure and get the most widely used to detect the coronavirus infection is the PCR of the following is chain reaction this test detects the minute quantities of genetic material of the virus  2019 Noble coronavirus infection the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus however TDC always recommend everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses in truth that's like washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second coming your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing using an alcohol based sanitizer that contain 60% I want more and touching your Eyes, Nose and Mouth Pizza and what trans translate

spreading through droplet infection it is when a person who is infected cups or sneezes and releases viral particles that remain suspended in the air and I picked up by another person it is also transmitted through things that are infected person has been closed in contact with like use Towers clothes switches keys and door handles those who are the highest risk are people who are enclosed contact with animals like animal market workers and told you are taking care of infected family members doctors for nurses 

who has coined the term 2019 Noble coronavirus acute respiratory disease to describe the disease caused by this virus indicating that most of the symptoms of the disease related to the respiratory system now from what we know is that it can be a number of centums ranging from mild to severe the Mile cases can present with fever cough shortness of breath and receiver once can lead to pneumonia Kidney failure and death the most widely used test to detect the Corona virus infection is the PCR of the polymer is chain reaction this test detects the minute quantities .
 Novel coronavirus infection the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus however CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses in truth that's like washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds covering your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing using alcohol based sanitizer that contain 60% alcohol or more and avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth and what hands take home .

When you are sick and a boy throws contact with people who ourselves clean and disinfect frequently touch object and services to work developed the vaccine for coronavirus is already underway scientists believe that research of months back scene .which was also coronavirus will make this job easier and hospitals are testing antiviral drugs to see if they have an impact the ratio of death to known cases appears Lo the figures are unreliable it is far to simplicity to divide the number of gas by the number of cases to calculate the death rate to get a figure of around 2% other state of outbreak but it depends on a range of factors like your age sex General Health and health system you are a thousand two patients are still being created and we do not know if any of those cases will die the death rate could be higher it is because of the size and density of population and close contact with animals having viruses the short answer question is absolute vs Duke 200 contract coronavirus will experience on the mild symptoms please include fever coughing and respiratory problems most people are expected to make a full recovery button pause a particular Race for elderly people and doors with pre-existing problems .

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